VT Fusion Soccer is a 501-3c non-profit and we need your help. We have decided to launch the Fusion Fund to encompass under one umbrella all our fundraising needs. This supports our programming and more so our philosophy.

We believe that every kid should be able to play soccer, develop, have a great experience and be a part of team regardless of their ability to pay. Fusion has and will always stand behind this philosophy. In a current regional club setting where families are dealing with COVID, paying thousands of dollars, getting second jobs and cutting back so their kids can play, Fusion stands firm in offering the best for the lowest possible fee. This is something we are VERY proud of but cannot do it without your help.

We have identified areas of need and opportunity that create the foundation of who we are, what we stand for and where we want to go.

Fusion Fund



We believe that everyone should be able to play and not only if they can pay. Many soccer clubs take on the approach of being a non-profit who turn to make a profit. At Fusion we are a true non-profit who puts kids, families and soccer first. We focus on that and not what our bank statement says at the end of the season. To be completely honest we always take a loss and the Green Mountain Challenge allows us break even. This being said we cannot depend on that as a “guarantee” every year as on average Fusion provides between $10-$15k a year in scholarships. We need you.



This area will provide access to summer camps, specialized trainings such as goal keeping, strength, injury/ACL prevention and other activities. These areas are usually reserved for clubs charging thousands a year but are great opportunities that we can offer with your help.



This area will provide access to summer camps, specialized trainings such as goal keeping, strength, injury/ACL prevention and other activities. These areas are usually reserved for clubs charging thousands a year but are great opportunities that we can offer with your help.



 This area will provide access to summer camps, specialized trainings such as goal keeping, strength, injury/ACL prevention and other activities. These areas are usually reserved for clubs charging thousands a year but are great opportunities that we can offer with your help.